St Thomas Episcopal Church has been a presence in Plymouth, Indiana, since 1860.
We are located one block south of the Marshall Co. Courthouse on the corner of North Center Street and Adams Street, just one block west of Michigan Street.
Mail can be sent to 400 N. Center Street Plymouth, IN 46563.
Our office phone number is 574.936.2735 Email: or
St Thomas is a community of people who are committed to living out the practicalities of the Christian Faith in continuity with the Tradition of the Episcopal Church. Both by Word and Sacrament, we seek to live as authentic disciples of Jesus.On Sundays, we offer Mass at 9:00 AM and a bilingual/Spanish mass at 12:00pm. Active groups of lay ministers participate fully in the life of the church. Through Altar Guild, reading, and serving as a Lay Eucharistic Minister all can participate in our worship.
Los domingos, ofrecemos misa a las 9:00 AM y una misa bilingüe / española a las 12:00 pm. Grupos activos de ministros laicos participan plenamente en la vida de la iglesia. A través del Gremio del Altar, leyendo y sirviendo como Ministros Eucarísticos Laicos, todos pueden participar en nuestra adoración.